Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cookie anyone?

I've been spending the morning making cookies. That seems like a strange thing to do as a nurse, but that's what's happening. We have an organization here, in Williamsburg, called The Nightengale's. Appropriate for a bunch of retired nurses, and there are quite a few. Once a year we make cookies for the student nurses at the local hospital. I remember when I was a student nurse how some homemade food was so tasty and hope the students, here, like the ones I made.
Student nurses are a blessing. They are so caring and comforting. They want to do everything perfectly. What would we do without them? I remember when my mother was a patient in the hospital. She was in a coma for three months. Those were the days when the hospitals sometimes kept patients for long periods of time. The students would come in and care for my mother and they were so gentle and nice to her. I loved the students.
I have written a story about student nurses, which takes place in the 1950s. It took me a year to complete this story and that was in 1995. It is around 90,000 words long. I was going to try to publish it myself, but the cost is very high. Now I've decided to try to get it published. I know that will be difficult, but I have a reason to want it published. There were certain differences between the 50s and now and I wanted people to be able to see some of this in the context of a fiction story.
Well, got to go check on the brownies that are in the oven. Decided to add them to the bunch of cookies. Just about everyone I know likes brownies.
Bye for now.

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