Friday, September 18, 2009


It's been a while since I added anything to the blog. Other things have been taking my attention such as the state of the country and the world. These are confusing times and critical times and yet what can a person do about it? Well, for one thing they can say what they think, whether right or wrong. We have freedom of speech and should use it. We must preserve our freedoms. We've seen our freedom of speech put into action, especially with the healthcare issue, which stirred up thousands of people.
Sometimes I think the world has gone completely crazy and there's nothing we can do about it. But, I'd rather try to be positive in my thinking and believe, have faith that everything will turn out right.
In the meantime daily life goes on. We had a meeting of the romance writers with a very informative speaker from our group and yesterday was a meeting of the Nightingales. It's that time of the year already, when we're going to start thinking about making cookies for the student nurses at the hospital, hoping they're not all on diets.
In the meantime I do some writing with my nurses and doctors as characters. They're fun stories, love stories, with a wee bit of suspense. Each writer in our group has their own style. Some people write historicals, some chick-lit, some more serious stories, some inspirational, some mysteries. I try to read as many as I can and they're all very good. Although a handful will be published, there are many stories to tell. We are fortunate to be able to write, speak, and print what's on our mind. We are so fortunate to have freedom of the press!

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