Monday, July 21, 2008

The loon is an interesting bird that looks somewhat like a duck with red eyes. This is not a very good picture but you might be able to see the image somewhat. It's from an old calendar put out by the National Wildlife Fed. The loon has three distinct calls which some people feel sounds like the cry of a baby. It is a eerie sound. "It is said when you hear the call of loon, someone will drown." It is also said that "if a loon calls during a funeral, he's helping the dead person's soul to make it;s way to heaven." The native American people had many myths and legends built up around the loon. Some other points of interest about the loon are that it can dive very deeply without coming up for air and that it carries its young on its back for protection. The library north of Lake Placid is a wonderful place to do research. Unfortunately I had very little time to spend there. I would like to go back someday.

1 comment:

Beth Trissel said...

Fascinating! I wish we could have loons on our pond here in the Shenandoah Valley--bit too far south. :)