Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nationalized health care? No

I never meant this as a political statement, but somehow we can't avoid that when talking about health. Some time ago I mentioned that one of my grand-daughters was going for all sorts of tests trying to find out what was causing her symptoms of numbness in the hands and feet, sudden backache and pain in the heart region. Test after test proved negative, but she definitely had a physical problem. The neurologist ordered an MRI but the insurance disapproved it. Finally, months later, after much reasoning from the doctor, it was approved. Diagnosis was difficult, but the doctor came to the conclusion she was probably at the beginning stage of MS.
Why I'm mentioning this is because it was so difficult to get the tests needed for the doctor to make a diagnosis. Imagine how it would be with the government having to approve tests. I believe there must be a better way than nationalized government health insurance. The doctors need to use their knowledge to diagnose the problems and cannot do this if they are told by the government what they can and cannot do for tests, which patients are worthy of these tests, etc. And it will take much longer. When I was working as a nurse in the hospital we had many foreign doctors. They came from their countries to escape the socialized medicine. They were not able to make a decent living as a doctor unless they were from prominent families or after many years. They also had to abide by the approved government rules. We, in the U.S. have good medical care as compared to many countries I do believe. We have modern equipment to work with. I don't think this will improve with government control.
I do agree something has to be done about the costs. There are people who just cannot afford the insurance, and not all insurance is that great, but I think I prefer it to government control. We should go over more options. If companies have to pay for everyone to have insurance than it will cause some companies to go under. Not everyone is working. There are problems whichever way you look at it. Medicare is due to have some of their benefits taken away.
There are many things to discuss and it shouldn't be done in an overnight, sign here, package. There are options! They are being discussed.

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